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#### destination Bunnytrack ### []
Last Match Thu, Jul 9 2020 at 10:22 pm Game Info
Server Info Admin: admins


Time Limit: 0
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 10
Max Players: 10
Max Specs: 6
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: False
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Marta
Mutators EavySpawnProtectSDAVersion, Auto Team Balance, Map-Vote LA13, NoCows, XDScoringRules, No Redeemer, No Invisibility, No Shield Belt, No UDama

Hourly, Daily and Monthly Activity
0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)1 (33.33 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)1 (33.33 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)1 (33.33 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)1 (33.33 %)0 (0.00 %)1 (33.33 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)1 (33.33 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)1 (33.33 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)1 (33.33 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)0 (0.00 %)1 (33.33 %)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 M T W T F S S J F M A M J J A S O N D

  Origin of Players  
Canada: 2 (33.33 %)Netherlands, Kingdom of the: 2 (33.33 %)United States of America: 1 (16.67 %): 1 (16.67 %)

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Unreal Tournament Match List
Date/Time Match Type Map Time
Thu, Jul 9 2020 at 10:22 pm BunnyTrack3 (insta) CTF-BT-temp7-v2 53.60
Sun, Mar 22 2020 at 7:24 pm BunnyTrack3 (insta) CTF-BT-Sector9_v2 9.19
Tue, Dec 24 2019 at 3:01 am BunnyTrack3 (insta) CTF-BT-(DS)QueenGame 2.56
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